روشني اخبار جا ڏھ سال 10 years of weekly Roshni

روشني اخبار جا ڏھ سال
10 years of weekly Roshni

سنڌ يونيورسٽي جي شعبي ميڊيا اينڊ ڪميونيڪيشن اسٽيڊيز شاگردن کي صحافت جي عملي ڪم جي سکيا ڏيڻ لاءِ شعبي جي ان وقت جي سربراهه پروفيسر ڊاڪٽر هربخش ماکيجاڻي طرفان هڪ  هفتيوار اخبار روشني جي نالي سان ڪڍڻ جو فيصلو ڪيو ويو هو, جنهن کي عملي جامو آغا رفيق پارايو. هن سال روشني کي ڏهه سال پورا ٿي چڪا آهن ۽ اخبار جي شايع ٿيڻ جو سلسلو جاري ۽ ساري آهي، انهن ڏهن سالن ۾ اسان جي استاد سينيئر صحافي سهيل سانگي جو تمام اهم ڪردار رهيو آهي، هي اهو واحد ماڻهو آهي جيڪو ٽن ٻولين ۾ اخبار جي نگراني ڪري رهيو آهي، ان ڏهن سالن ۾ هن اخبار جي ٽيم هر سال مٽجندي رهي آهي، هن شعبي ۾ پڙهندڙ هر شاگرد ان مان فيضياب ٿي چڪو آهي.

جڏھن به ميڊيا اينڊ ڪميونيڪيشن اسٽڊيز شعبي ۾ نئون چيئرمين آيو آھي, ان روشني اخبار ۾ مثبت تبديلي آڻڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي آهي. روشني اخبار جي ويب سائيٽ شعبي جي اڳوڻي چيئرپرسن رضوانه چانگ جي دور ۾ ٺھي. جڏھن ته اخبار جي سرڪيوليشن شعبي جي موجوده چيئرپرسن ڊاڪٽر بدر سومري 500 مان وڌائي 100 ڪئي آھي. ھن اخبار جي خصوصيت ھي به آهي ته اخبار ٽن ٻولين ۾ شايع ٿيندي آھي جنهن سان شاگردن کي پنهنجي مرضي مطابق ٻوليء جي چونڊ ڪرڻي پئي ٿي. سنڌ جي تعليمي اداران طرفان ھيء واحد اخبار آھي, جنهن ۾ شاگرد ڪم ڪن ٿا. ھي ھڪ ليبارٽري اخبار آهي جتي شاگردن کي صحافت بابت سکيا حاصل ڪرڻ جو ڀرپور موقعو ملي ٿو. روشني اخبار جي رپورٽن کان وٺي ايڊٽرن تائين شعبي جا شاگرد ئي ڪم ڪن ٿا.

جڏهن سنڌ ۾ ڪنهن به صحافتي اداري کي نون صحافين جي ڪمي ڪوتائي محسوس ٿي آھي تڏهن اتي جي انتظاميه سنڌ يونيورسٽي جي شعبي ميڊيا ۽ ڪميونيڪيشن اسٽڊيز جي طرف واجھايو آھي جنهن جو خاص سبب اھو آهي ته ھتي شاگردن کي روشني اخبار ۾ سکيا جو موقعو ملي ٿو. روشني اخبار ذريعي شاگردن کي صحافتي ٻولي, تخليقي عمل ۽ صحافت سان لاڳاپيل  قانونن ۽ قاعدن جي معلومات ملي ٿي.

روشني اخبار جي ھڪ خصوصيت اھا به آهي ته اھي شاگرد جيڪي اخبار ۾ ڪم ڪن ٿا تن کي ايم اي جي ڊگري حاصل ڪرڻ کان پوء ٻين صحافتي ادارن ۾ ڪم ڪرڻ جي آڇ ملندي رھي ٿي ۽ اھي شاگرد اخباري دنيا ۾ تمام بھترين ڪم سرانجام ڏيئي سگھن ٿا ۽ اخبار جي دنيا ۾ اھي پنهنجون قابليتون 
مڃرائي سگھن ٿا. اڄ به اسان کي صحافتي ادارن ۾ اھڙا سوين نوجوان ملندا 
جن صحافتي ڪيريئر جي شروعات روشني اخبار  کان ڪئي. 

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يونيورسٽي جا ٽه سال ۽ روشني جو تجربو

آنند ڪمار

يونيورسٽيون تعليم پرائڻ سان گڏ عملي ڪم سکڻ جو به هڪ وڏو ذريعو هونديون آهن، انهي عملي ڪم جي حاصلات لاءِ اسان به سنڌ يونيورسٽي ڏانهن پير ڪري وٺي سڌ ڪئي ته ميڊيا اينڊ ڪميونيڪيشن شعبي وٽ اچي بريڪ لڳو،
يونيورسٽي جو پهريون سيميسٽير ته ڪلاسفيلوز کان سندن نالا پڇڻ ۽ پنهنجو تعارف ڪرائڻ ۾ گذري ويو، اونهاري جي موڪلن بعد جيئن ئي ٻيهر ڪلاسز هليا ته مٿان ٻئين سيميسٽر جا امتحان لامارا ڏيڻ لڳا، پهرئين سال وانگي ٻيون سال به خيرن سان موڪلائي ويو، ٽئين سال جا ڪلاس شروع ٿيندي ئي سائين سهيل سانگي 100 تي ڪانٽو رکيو، مطلب ته روشني اخبار جي لاءِ فيچر، آرٽيڪل، پروفائل ۽ انٽرويوز لکڻ جي اسائنمينٽ ڏني، پنهنجن پنهنجن مضمونن جي چونڊ لاءِ اسان سڀ سائين جي آفيس ٻاهران اهڙي قطار ۾ بيٺل هوندا هئاسين جهڙي قطار پرائمري اسڪول ۾ اسيمبلي جي وقت تي ٺاهي ويندي آهي، اخباري دنيا سان ٿورو گھڻو واسطو رهڻ ڪري سائين اسان ڪجھ دوستن کي روشني اخبار جي ايڊيٽر ٿيڻ جي ذميواري ڏني، نئون ڪم هئڻ جي ڪري اسان به سندرا کڻي بيٺا هئاسين، پهريان ته ڪم ورهائي کنيو پر سائين گاهه گاڏي کان ڳرو هو، گھرج آهر اسان به گڏجي ڪم ڪرڻ وارو فارمولا جو سهارو ورتو جنهن سان اسان کي ڪم ۾ گھڻي آساني پيدا ٿي وئي، اسان جي ساٿين نبيل ابڙي ۽ سبحان جمالي کي هڪ ڳالهه ٻه دفعا سمجھائڻي پوندي هئي، نتيجي ۾ ڪڏهن ڪڏهن سائين سانگي وٽان عزت جي لپ به ملي ويندي هئي، پهريون سيميسٽر ته ايئن گڏجي ڪم ڪندي ڪڍيو پر جيئن ئي ٻيون سيميسٽر شروع ٿيو ته اسانجي روشني اخبار جي سنڌي حصي وارن ساٿين سبحان جمالي، نبيل ابڙي ۽ شيرزمان کوسي کي الائي ڪٿان انگريزي ۾ ڪم ڪرڻ جو جن لڳو، تنهن جو نتيجو ايهو نڪتو جو ٽن ڏينهن کانپوءِ سندن نالا اخبار جي انگريزي حصي جي ايڊيٽرن واري لسٽ ۾ سڀ کان مٿيان مليا، ٽن قابل دوستن جي وڃڻ سان جيڪو خال پيدا ٿيو اهو ڀرجڻ ته ڏکيو هو پر پوءِ به اسان رهيل ايڊيٽرن سنڌي حصي لاءِ نون ايڊيٽرن جي چونڊ ڪئي، ڪجھ دوستن کي مهانڊا ڏسي ايڊيٽر ته بڻائي ڇڏيو پر ڪم مهل ايئن جواب ڏئي بيهي رهيا جيئن جن ڏسڻ تي گھوڙو وچ رستي ۾ بيهندو آهي، چوندا آهن ته سر تي اچڻ بعد خبر پوندي آهي، اسان سان به اها ئي حالت هئي، پر انهي سڄي ماحول جو نتيجو اهو نڪتو جو اسان مضمون کي ايڊٽ ڪرڻ جا ٿورا گھڻا گر اسان به سکي ورتا،
جيڪڏهن اسان انهي روشني اخبار شايع ڪرڻ ۽ مضمون لکڻ واري اسائنمينٽ واري مرحلي مان نه گذرون ها ته اڄ تائين به فيچر ۽ آرٽيڪل ۾ فرق جي به شايد خبر نه پوي ها، اسان مان جيڪي به شاگرد سڀاڻي ڪنهن اخبار جا ايڊيٽر، صحافي يا ليکڪ ٿيا ته انهن جي ڪاميابي پٺيان صرف هڪ ئي انسان جي محنت ۽ پيار هوندو، جنهن 
کي سهيل سانگي چوندا آهن. 

       Some sweet and sour memories

Compiled and edited by Nimra Pathan, Nabeel Abro, Sarah Aslam
Nimra Pathan worked as a coordinator in both semesters. She used to upload pieces on blog. She says, I got admission by chance in this Department In the very beginning I was not aware of media or its techniques but in 2nd year sir Sohail Sangi selected me as coordinator and I worked heartily  then some of my classmates started taunting but sir Sangi said to be a leader dont worry. He never scolded me. it was a great time working with Roshni. There were hardships, deceitful tricks as well as troubles but we all have given our best efforts to work with Roshni.  Wednesday was my favourite day in week because it was pasting day -time passed and M.A previous class amalgamated with us work burden increased and then i was also scolded by sir. He supported me in every circumstances and I got leadership skills due to sir Sohail Sangi
Everyone who worked in Roshni whether and editor or a reporter he has difference experience and views.
Sobia Saleem worked as an editor says:  I have learnt manythings under the supervision of our mentor Sir Sangi. This experience has made me witnessed that job in print media isn't a mere piece of cake. Its quite challenging and time taking. It made me wonder, despite of  too much hardwork why print media is losing its worth and charm in the presence of electronic and social media. One more another thing I would like to pen down here, because I think my feedback regarding my responsibility of core team member would look colorless, misconception about Sir Sangi's anger should be eliminated from our students, before entering into my 3rd year, I have heard numerous times that Sir Sangi is one of the strickt teacher but my experience is absolutely different from this prevailing idea about him. I have found Sir Sangi one of the most influential mentor, a perfect guide! 
Nabeel Abro worked as editor as well as reporter says To be very honest, for me working in Roshni Newspaper is really productive and sound. It was a good experience to work with Sir Sohail Sangi and other board members. Roshni Newspaper is published in three languages. Luckily I got the chance to work in Sindhi and English as well. In last semester I work in Sindhi medium as an editor. It is great experince to edit the pieces of friends and fellows, some time I get the funniest points from the pieces and laugh very much. While editing the profile of Nasrullah Kaboro which was written by Subhan, me and Sherzaman pointed that still "sain panji shaadi ji khiwaish rakhe tho". Selfie of Sir Nasarullah was so interesting which was attractiing everyone. This was the only picture which made us so laugh.
So, sir Sangi taught me to work in English medium because sir said you have good potential. In English work as an editor, it was wonderfull to edit the pieces, gather news stories, write on special tasks, but dealing with beats was too hard. First problem is that I am unable to get the sense of the news second thing is that how I edit or write the headline of news which is difficult to understand, well in the company of Sherzaman, Anand and Yasir I learnt many new things and still learning. So, the experience was too useful.
Sherzaman worked as an editor says: While working in newspaper, i felt that collective struggles are basic principles for success of any newspaper. From editor to reporter, all have to contribute and support each other. The lethargy of one worker can stop the newspaper from being published. Cooperation is fundamental factor for working together, as everyone was so cooperative in Roshni Newspaper. I had good experience in understanding typing, pasting and publishing of newspapers. It was amazing to feel that how daily newspapers are published and how they are circulated from many steps and then newspapers come in the hands of public. Working on the regular basis is important step to finalize any task, which we experienced in Roshni Newspaper.
Sara Aslam worked as editor says: My experience as an editor was full of detailed learning about the whole news production process.  The great learning wouldn’t have been possible without the careful supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi,  who is a very co-operative and generous person who always preferred the student’s learning over the mere completion of a task and made sure that the practical work is performed well.  My experience in the editorial board was nothing but a labor of love with full guidance and co-operation and constant support from Sir Sangi and the fellow editors.  I learned a lot about the proper editing of the writing pieces and how they’re actually edited out for the newspaper.  Sir Sangi’s company was always full of knowledgeable experiences and I am lucky to have been guided by him. 

Agha Noman worked as an editor as well as reporter says: The time when i was selected as an editor of roshni newspaper then it was happiest moment for me to selected as a core team member of editorial board as time pases, it was motivation for me to learn about editing of writing pieces and news (beats).
I learned many things like how to edit writing pieces and how to edit beat news which we collect from different departmnts. Main things was that in newspaper which formats are been used and which type of layouts was included through, this whole process I have  learned whole process.

Well Roshni has given us lots of memories, knowledge and experience. We all are grateful for working under the guidance of Sir Sohail Sangi who has always guided us through the news production process and helped us polish our skills as writers.


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